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SBS - Roles and Capabilites

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SBS - Roles and Capabilites Empty SBS - Roles and Capabilites

Post  Shock-Wave Mon Sep 14, 2009 1:13 pm

The roles of the Special Boat Service are predominantly focused on, but not restricted to, littoral and riverine operations. Activities include:
Reconnaissance and Surveillance
Covert beach reconnaissance (hydrographic survey) in advance of an amphibious assault
Recovery or protection of ships and oil installations subject to hostile state or non-state (terrorist) action.
Maritime Counter-Terrorism (MCT)
Support to British police forces and customs
Offensive Action

Elements from the British Special Boat Service has been part of Task Force Black working alongside their SAS counterparts as part of Task Force 145 currently designated as Task Force 88 (anti-terror unit).

Number of posts : 18
Age : 29
Registration date : 2009-09-06

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